
Danzig goes after photographer at Bonnaroo (videos)

by BBG

Danzig at Bonnaroo 2012 (photo by Dana (distortion) Yavin)

I’m guessing that I am shocking no one (considering the fiasco at Fun Fun Fun last year) that (as MetalSucks points out) Danzig went after a photographer who shot pictures of him at Bonnaroo this weekend. Three videos of Danzig stopping the show to confront the photographer is below.

Stay tuned for more pictures from Danzig’s set, as well as more sets from Bonnaroo (first day HERE). Should I go hide now?

Danzig runs off stage, goes after camera man at Bonnaroo

Glenn Danzig vs. Nashville Cream @ Bonnaroo

Glenn Danzig jumping off stage trying to attack photographer

North Side Kings vs Danzig